Allergy Friendly Friday 10/12/12



Dear Readers:

Thanks for your patience while I have been rebuilding my site since the hack. This is my first Allergy-Friendly Friday back. Because I got hacked in the midst of my last Allergy-Friendly Friday, many of you didn’t get to add links. So sorry! Those who did, I thank you! And I’ve decided to feature ALL your recipes as the TOP PICKS!

Just to remind everyone, I’m doing a new thing with my top weekly picks from Allergy Friendly Friday. I’m sharing my weekly picks on Pinterest too. See here, where I’ve featured this week’s top picks on my new ALLERGY FRIENDLY FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS pin board.

Here are the choice recipe highlights from the last Allergy Friendly Friday:

Please add your allergy-free and/or gluten-free recipe links to Allergy-Friendly Friday. PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe. That means link WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE. When you link back to this post, you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. Am I repeating myself? 🙂 And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.

 â™¥ â™¥ â™¥


  • One recipe per blogger, please.
  • Please LINKback to this post so that your readers can find ALL the recipes linked to here. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your individual recipe post,NOTyour homepage.
  • Recipes DO NOT have to be completely allergen-free, just “ALLERGY-FRIENDLY”in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are.For example, I might add old fashioned gingersnaps (cybele

17 Responses

  1. Oops! I forgot to say the purple rice is mine! Sorry.

  2. Hi Cybele — I’m so glad you’re back from being hacked! It’s so much trouble to repair the damage and reinforce against possible future issues. Your site is beautiful – I always enjoy visiting it. Today I’ve linked a recipe for Lentil Soup, especially tempting to me today since we’re into drizzly fall weather here in Ohio. I’m hoping to try making your Pita – it would be just the thing to go with some soup.

    • cybele says:

      Hi Pat:

      It’s cold and drizzly here in Los Angeles too, if you can believe it. I’d love some of your soup!

      Stay dry.


  3. cybele says:

    Thank’s Melanie! Happy to be back.

  4. Hi Cybele! Welcome back!! Glad you were able to salvage your site – I missed your Allergy Friendly Fridays.

    (And I can unfortunately relate to mean computer hackers – I think this girl sitting next to me in Starbucks did something remotely to my computer last week leading it to a “Blue Screen of Death.” I haven’t been able to save anything on it but haven’t given up hope).

    This week I’ve linked up my daughter’s allergy friendly 1st birthday cake – Harvest Spice Cake with Pineapple filling (packed with zucchini and carrots).

    Have a great weekend! – Devin

  5. […] Full Plate Thursday, Fat Tuesday, Keep It Real Thursday, Gluten Free Friday, Whole Food Friday, Allergy Friendly Friday ShareTweet Bookmark on Delicious Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a […]

  6. […] Also shared at Gluten Free Fridays, Wellness Weekends , Slightly Indulgent Tuesday and Allergy Friendly Friday. […]

  7. Hi Cybele, Very glad that you are back and that you were able to put your site back together. I really enjoy visiting your site.
    I made these allergy free granola bars that are good for you and taste great!
    Sandi @

  8. […] Fresh Bites Friday, Freaky Friday, Fight Back Friday, Little House Friday, Gluten-Free Fridays, Allergy-Friendly Friday and Snacktime Saturday. Hungry For More?Almond Flour vs. Almond Meal (and DIY)Grain-Free Fig […]

  9. Iratxe says:

    Hello Cybele!

    Nice to see you again!. Glad you were able to recover your site!. YESYESYES!.

    This week I’ve linked up my pancakes de plátano (bananas pancakes), D/F, E/F, S/F, P/F, T/F.

    Thanks for hosting!.

    Un beso,


  10. Libby says:

    Hi Cybele, I can’t believe you were hacked! That’s just gratuitously and unnecessarily mean. I don’t understand why anyone would target you, since all you do on this blog is help people with food allergies. (It’s not like your business model involves kicking puppies or something.)

    I’m so very glad you are back!

  11. […] Cybele Pascal’s Allergy Friendly Friday […]

  12. […] I also want to tell you about a new piece of kitchen equipment I was given to try.  It’s called the Ninja Cooking System.  It’s a stovetop cooker, oven, slow cooker and steam roaster/baker in one.  When I heard this I thought that’s too many things in one so none will work well.  I’m so skeptical.  But as I’ve mentioned before I’ve moved into an apartment and something that does many things sounded appealing being in a smaller kitchen.  I’ve also found out that when using my oven it heats the whole apartment which is not great in a warm climate.  So I busted this out of the box this weekend and started cooking like crazy.  I made my Paleo Scrapple without having to use an extra pot.  I steam roasted a turkey breast which tastes amazing and I made these Magic Meatballs.  So I’m sold.  I love it.  I can cook anything in here and it’s super easy to clean.  But don’t take my word for it, read Stephanie O’Dea’s review, from A Year of Slow Cooking.  This recipe was shared on Allergy Friendly Friday. […]

  13. Hi! Thanks for hosting. I shared my Salmon Cakes with Creamy Dill Sauce. The breadcrumbs can be substituted with a gluten free version – here is a recipe

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