Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine
“Free For All Cooking” Review and BOOK GIVEAWAY!
Free For All Cooking is the third cookbook by renowned gluten-free cooking teacher, Jules E. Dowler Shepard, who is also the brainchild behind Jules Gluten Free, a line of gluten-free flours and mixes.
As you may already know, I’m a big fan of the “Free-From” genre, and am a champion of those furthering its cause. As a member of a household representing food allergies and intolerances to gluten, wheat, tree nuts, dairy, shellfish, fish, kiwi, and formerly soy and eggs, I know how hard it can be to find recipes that are safe for all. So hats off to Jules for answering that call!
Free For All Cooking is a homey collection of recipes that Jules has developed over the years, teaching gluten-free cooking classes, and writing a weekly newsletter. She aptly notes that food allergies and food intolerances are on the rise and also, that very often, along with gluten intolerance comes other intolerances as well. In addition to the more than 12 million Americans living with food allergies, 15% of the US population is believed to suffer some form of gluten sensitivity. And let us not forgot the Celiac population, that represents another 1 % of the population. 1 % may sound small, but it’s still 1 out of 100. Clearly, many many people are avoiding certain foods. So what to do if you live with multiple food restrictions? Eat well, with Free For All Cooking.
This cookbook is 150 recipes for baked goods, sides, and mains. The recipes are simple, every day foods… the kind we all crave. The baked goods recipes dominate, with extensive breakfast, bread, and dessert recipes. As far as I’m concerned, this cookbook is worth it for the bread recipes alone. They look that good! Luckily, and kindly, Jules provides a good all-purpose gluten-free flour mix recipe. I say “kindly” because she could easily have told us to just go buy her flour mix! The Ingredients and Substitutions section is comprehensive and written in friendly, approachable language, that even a brand new allergy-free cook can access. Of particular note, is the section titled “Baking Notes”, chock-full of handy practical advice that comes from many years of expertise in the kitchen. Did you know there are GF settings on some bread machines? I didn’t, until Jules told me. I’m going to get one now! And it was very refreshing to hear Jules’ common sense reminder… In the words of Tony the Tiger, and Jules Dowler Shepard, when it comes to baking, “Follow your nose, it always knows!”.
If you would like to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of this lovely new cookbook, all you have to do is go “like” me on my Facebook Page here. Then leave me a comment below, letting me know you did so. I know, I’m SHAMELESS. If you already like me on Facebook, then go post about me on your page, suggesting that somebody else “like” me. Help me spread the word that my FB page is where the real action is, with daily tips, advice, and anecdotes about my life as “The Allergy-Friendly Cook”. Hope to see you there! ~ Cybele
Don’t forget to leave me a comment letting me know you FB’d me. This giveaway closes one week from today on Thursday, January 20th!
cybele pascal
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I like on facebook!
Thanks for getting the ball rolling, Stephanie!
I liked you! (And still do )
I’ve “liked” you for quite a while – and still do – and posted about you on my facebook today. Thanks for the inspiration!
I’ve “liked” you since I made your red velvet cupcakes!
This book sounds amazing! What a great giveaway
I liked you on Facebook.
Thanks Serena!
Windy City Vegan:
I’ll be baking those at the Gluten-Free Allergy-Friendly Cooking Expo in Chicago in April. I’m assuming you’re in Chicago? Hope you come on down to the expo, so I can say “hi”. Thanks!
THanks Ali! You’ve been entered in the drawing!
I have liked you on facebook for many months! Pick me! Pick me!
I liked you on Facebook!!!
I liked you on fb and am happy to to do it. =0)♥
Done! So glad I found your site (via nutfreemom).
Thanks so much for going to my FB page, everyone! Much obliged! Renata, Happy Jenny referred you!
Hi, I liked you on Facebook! I also like your new allergen free cookbook, so far I’ve just made the chocolate chip cookies but they were great, thanks so much!
Hi, I liked you on Facebook!
I liked you on facebook.(Donna Kozar)
Cybele! I’ve ‘liked’ your pages for months now! I don’t know if it shows how long someone’s ‘liked’ your page, but ever since you accepted my friend request on facebook I quickly ‘liked’ your fan page so I can find recipes that a friendly. Since I’m a Diabetic ALL of your recipes are friendly for me! Hope to see much more success from you in the future!!
LOVE your baking cookbook and I’ve “liked” you on facebook! Your recipes are a huge blessing to me with two boys who are allergic to 6 of the top 8 allergens.
Hi Cybele,
I did the “like you” on facebook !
Thanks !,
Not only did I like you on Facebook today -but I would LIKE you to keep on with the great recipes. Gracias!!!!!
Just liked you on FB! My family has been enjoying many of your recipes from “The Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook” since finding out that my 2 year old has multiple allergies. Thanks so much for what you do!!
I liked you on FB, and I have to say we would have never survived without you. Thanks.
I like on fb. (and here and my favs and anywhere else I can!!)
I’ve liked you for a while now!
I just liked you on facebook! (I will add that my 17 year old daughter, who is allergic to LOTS of things, loves your cookbook–she got it for Christmas!)
I “liked” you on FB, I just heard of you through another FB friend’s link who’s son has food allergies. I think it’s great you have a book out. I’ll pass your info on, since I know a few friends who’d love your book!
{sorry not your book, but this book….} lol
I liked you on facebook!
Definitely a “Like” but has been for awhile. Just posted another reminder on Facebook, after posting a link to the ranch dressing recipe. I told my son about the recipe and he said “AWESOME!”
This cookbook sounds like it would a wonderful addition! I’m ALWAYS looking for something new to expand our repertoire.
Debbie (EosMom)
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