Rice Milk Mayonnaise – Cybele Pascal

Cybele Pascal

Rice Milk Mayonnaise

Rice Milk Mayonnaise (Egg-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan)


It’s back-to-school time, and in my house, that means “sandwiches”. What’s key to most sandwiches?  Mayonnaise.  But what do you do if you can’t eat eggs, soy, or even dairy? Make it yourself!

I wasn’t sure this recipe could be successfully done, without some form of protein to help emulsify the mayonnaise. Eggs are generally key to helping bind mayonnaise and aioli, and vegan mayo always seems to contain soy, so it must be there for a reason, right? Would I really be able to get a true eggy-like creamy mayonnaise without eggs, dairy, or soy?  In my uncertainty, I turned to the God of all things kitchen, David Lebovitz. I thought if anyone could do egg-free, soy-free mayo, it would be him, and I was right. To my delight, I found that just a couple months ago, he’d blogged about an egg-free mayonnaise based upon a Portuguese recipe, using milk instead of eggs. But still, to my chagrin, this didn’t solve my protein problem. I needed to create a recipe that was dairy-free too.  I pondered using Hemp milk, which has a fair amount of protein, but it can be rather “ropey” in flavor, and we don’t want that in our mayo. I settled on using rice milk, but that still didn’t solve the protein problem. And then, I remembered my old friend Xanthan Gum.  “A thickener”, “An emulsifier”… Bingo!  I was delighted, in fact, overjoyed to discover that you can make Egg-free, Soy-free, Dairy-free Mayonnaise, in all of about 5 minutes. The following recipe was inspired by David Lebovitz’s recipe for Eggless Chervil Mayonnaise which is an adaptation of a recipe fromLeite’sCulinaria and The New Portuguese Table (Clarkson Potter) by David Leite. I really hope I got that accreditation right!

Rice Milk Mayonnaise (Egg-free, Soy-free, and Dairy-free)

Makes about 1 cup

The real trick to this recipe is the medicine dropper.  I’m a mother of two young children, so this little tool is readily on hand.  To emulsify the mayonnaise properly, you must drip the oil in a drop at a time, or it won’t work.  The best way to control the flow, is with a dropper. It will take you a few minutes to get all that oil in the blender a drop at a time, but don’t be tempted to rush it. Your patience will pay off with perfection. Who would have thought it possible?  Egg-free, dairy-free, and soy-free, but still with a lovely buttercup hue and the lush creaminess we love in fresh mayonnaise.  Feel free to add fresh herbs at the end, or to use all canola oil, for a milder flavor.



Rice Milk Mayonnaise Copyright © 2010 by Cybele Pascal

(Please note that all my recipes are completely free of all top allergens (wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish, shellfish, and gluten), so as many people as possible can enjoy them.  Additionally, all the ingredients are available at Whole Foods, and online at Amazon.com. If you have trouble finding something, let me know and I’ll help you find it.)

SAFETY NOTE:  Because each person’s food sensitivity and reaction is unique, ranging from mild intolerance to life-threatening and severe food allergies, it is up to the consumer to monitor ingredients and manufacturing conditions.  If manufacturing conditions, potential cross contact between foods, and ingredient derivatives pose a risk for you, please re-read all food labels and call the manufacturer to confirm potential allergen concerns BEFORE consumption. Ingredients and manufacturing practices can change overnight and without warning.

30 Responses

This is wonderful- I can not wait to make this!!!!! Having a dairy & soy (plus all nuts and Celiec’s) can put a damper on the mayo. Finding allergy safe mayo can be a challenge. Thanks!

Fantastic Cybele (and David)!! Will try it soon, even if in France we don’t put much sandwiches in our kids lunch boxes. But maybe we’ll change that, thanks to you :-)

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lissa, Cybele Pascal. Cybele Pascal said: Check out Rice Milk Mayonnaise (Egg-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan) @ http://www.cybelepascal.com/?p=1612 […]

Hi Flo:

Did you see your recipe request on my Whole Living Daily blog a few weeks ago? I hope so. http://wholelivingdaily.wholeliving.com/2010/08/vegan-and-soy-free-creme-brulee-food-allergy-recipe-challenge-14.html

Kind regards,


You must have read my mind I was going to ask you about mayo.

[…] Rice Milk Mayonnaise (Egg-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan … […]

You most certainly got that accreditation correct! I’m quite happy you were able to adapt my recipe for milk mayonnaise even further so that folks with dairy issues can enjoy. Thank you!

Hi Cybele. I just saw this recipe on Whole living daily website. And posted this response there also.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Great recipe. My daughter just ate her first sandwich EVER!! and she’s 8! She really like the mayo. I substituted all of the oil with safflower oil (same as when I make regular homemade mayo) because we found canola and olive just too strong of a taste. And, there are coconut and garlic allergies in the house. IT worked great. Also added in a little dry mustard (1/8 tsp).

You never did post how the mayo was after your month away. Wondering if it does last longer than 1 week. A lot of work for mayo and if it doesn’t get used, will be sad to have to throw it away. Let us know :)

[…] Rice Milk Mayonnaise (Egg-Free, Soy-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan) | Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine […]

Dear Laura:

I’m sure that was delicious! Re shelf stability,
It looked and smelled totally fine after a month in the fridge. But I was afraid to taste it! I think its safe to say, however, that it will last at least a couple of weeks.



Hello, I meant, Cybele! Darn phone auto-corrected my name to cycle.

i’m taking a poll over at my facebook “like” page on favorite sandwiches. Come on over and join the fun!

Wow, great. Your blog is a good service. I’m impressed.

Thanks for visiting, Serene! Come back again.

All best,


Ack! I’ve been playing with an egg and dairy free mayo for a while now, and xantham gum never even occurred to me. Genius! I did manage to successfully whip up olive oil, but I was using ground mustard as the emulsifier, so its applications were limited due to the strong flavor. Your version is MUCH better.

Wow, thanks so much, Libby! I hope you enjoy it in all the ways mayo can be enjoyed!



At our house, we are soy and canola sensitive, so we’ve been having a difficult time finding a ready-made mayo. I can’t wait to try this! Thanks so much!

Dear Sunshine:

Thanks for the comment! You could certainly sub safflower, or sunflower oil for the canola in this recipe. Or use all olive oil, just use one that is very mild.

Hope you enjoy.

all best,


I am on a tyramine/histamine free diet and my kids are dairy/egg free. Do you know if I can safely omit the lemon juice (acids of all types) or are they integral to the making of mayonnaise? I know there will be a flavor difference, but other than that, are they necessary?

Regardless, I am definitely going to make this, because it is wonderful to find something that is easily made at home that isn’t going to cost me an arm and a leg at the store. I love that there are store bought options for those times when I just don’t have extra time, but I find we are enjoying more and more of the home-made treats.

I made this today and am struggling at getting it to thicken up. Should I try blending it again – adding more xanthum gum? We are VERY new to the gluten, dairy, egg, soy, and corn free diet due to our son’s allergies. I am working at making it look as seamless as possible without having to give up some of our favorites. I appreciate any guidance you can give. :)

[…] on mayonnaise, which is egg based. Well, I knew I’d solved that ingredient problem with my Rice Milk Mayonnaise so I sourced from myself, starting the recipe with an emulsification of rice milk and olive oil. […]

Oh my life with allergies just gets better and better! Many thanks!!!!
: )

Dear Tandy:

I am so behind on answering comments! Please forgive me for overlooking this. If you are still interested, yes, you can omit the lemon juice. Though as you note, it won’t have quite the zip in flavor.

all best,


Hi Lisa:

I think you are probably adding the olive oil and canola oil too quickly. It won’t thicken up properly if you add it too fast. You need to slowly drop it in. It will thicken up with the exact proportions given. Blending it again won’t make it thicker. It thickens in the process of adding the oil. Hope that helps? And more xanthan will just add a funny taste.

all best,


redoctober, now that’s the kind of comment that makes me happy! Happy when you are happy!

Does anyone know if this recipe can be made with a handheld immersion blender or do I need to track down a “real” blender?
I’m excited to try this recipe, but don’t have a real blender in my kitchen yet…this is one of the reasons I miss my mom’s kitchen.


My daughter is allergic to lemon. Can I substitute lime? Thank you

Hi Shonti,

Yes you can sub either cider vinegar or lime juice.



Finally tracked this recipe down again, I’m so ready to try it now that we can add ‘soy’ to our DO NOT EAT list. My question is regarding the rice milk and if we can substitute almond milk, which my boys can tolerate. Will the additional protein from the nuts create a problem?

Thank you so much for offering this solution for our family,

I was thinking of publishing or posting online some of my articles I’ve written for school but can’t afford to copyright them. If they are in my school paper, do I hold any ownership over them or are they protected by law?.

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