Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine
Allergy-Friendly Chicken Tenders
Dear Friends:
Here’s the latest installment in the Eat Freely with Cybele video series I shot with Enjoy Life. This is my favorite of all my new recipes. It’s a delicious, crunchy, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free , and nut-free chicken tenders recipe that rivals the best traditional fried chicken recipes out there. My family and friends are CRAZY for this one. Enjoy. And scroll down for the link to the recipe for printout or reference.
For the RECIPE and more videos, check out The Eat Freely with Cybele site. And let me know what you think of this recipe!!!!
cybele pascal
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Oh my goodness those look amazing. I will try this!!! Thanks for sharing, and your video is just wonderful!
Dear Sandra,
If you are so inclined, please come back and let me know how you liked them!
all best,
Thank you for sharing! My best friend’s little girl is allergic to so many things, and that includes chicken – I will be forwarding your post to her. Thank you!
Hi Kate:
Hm, well, this recipe would not be good for your friends daughter then. Perhaps she could substitute another type of meat?
Thanks for commenting! See you on Foodbuzz, right?
Thank you so much for doing this recipe Cybele! The video is fantastic!!!! I have been battling the flu since New Year’s…I can’t wait to get back on my feet so I can try this!
All my best,
I am not, nor my family allergic on anything. I made chicken tenders bit different, however I had to mention your name in my blog because I want even my readers to see that there is an option for people that are going through food allergies or if they are going to cook for friend who are having them. Your website is so helpful, and really give people chooses to still enjoy food without worrying!
So thank you for sharing tips and recipes!
HI Mary:
I’m on round two of the flu myself! Hope you feel better soon. I promised you this video was coming! Hope you and Alex enjoy it!
Dear Sandra:
Thanks so much for posting about the recipe on your site!
all best,
These chicken tenders were AWESOME! They exceeded my expectations 10-fold. I actually ran out of my Glutino rice crumbs about halfway thru and switched to regular breadcrumbs that my husband and I could eat. My VERY PICKY husband actually like the allergy free version better as he thought the regular bread crumbs picked up a lot more of the oil. Have you ever tried this with chicken pieces for traditional friend chicken? I was thinking that tempura veggies or eggplant would be good with this too. The olive oil/rice milk emulsion seems to open up doors for frying without egg. THANK YOU! You continue to open up my eyes to methods of cooking that work for the allergy friendly!
Wow, Carolyn, what kind words! So happy you all enjoyed the tenders. I’ve been doing the olive oil/rice milk emulsion since my first book The Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook, as a replacement for eggs in battering/breading in fried/oven baked foods, but nobody every seemed to notice before! I’m glad you did. It’s one of my signature allergen-free concepts! Hope you continue to enjoy it.
All best,
Thanks so much for the how-to video – it makes the recipe much less daunting for me (I’m not so great in the kitchen). You are so adorable!
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