Allergy Friendly Friday 9/2/11 | Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine

Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine

Allergy Friendly Friday 9/2/11

Allergy Friendly Friday


Here’s what my mushroom garden would be doing if I’d followed the instructions carefully. Here’s what yours will be doing if you come and claim it, Stephanie! Stephanie, where are you? If I don’t hear from you by next Wednesday, I’ll have to do another drawing and pick another winner. In the meanwhile, folks, see the post below for the 10% discount code to order your own super-cool kit.

So it’s Allergy Friendly Friday again! Yay!  Let’s post Labor Day party themed recipes today if you have them.

Highlights from last week’s spectacular round up were:

Thanks so much for linking up so nicely last week, everyone! As always, PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe! WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE!  Please add your links for this week. Please link back to this post so you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.


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Hi Cybele,

Are you going to make the Applesauce cake in a jar G-free and dairy free too? Can’t wait to make that one!

Thanks so much for hosting and for highlighting my Sushi Salad recipe! This week I shared a super yummy Chocolate Fudge Sauce (w/ vegan-option). And I just realized that my post is missing the “s” in my name, oops :) Thanks again! Have a great weekend.

Thank you for hosting! Have a lovely weekend!

Iyabo, I’m assuming she is only dealing with a peanut allergy, as you are correct, the recipe contains many allergens. I love the recipe conceptually, and would love to do a gf and dairy free version. thanks for your comment!


Hi Cybele,
Thanks so much for highlighting my bean butter! :D Stevia really isn’t hard to use at all–just remember that “less is more.” ;) And in this case, necessity really was the mother of invention, since I can’t have most sugars! I’ve got a lovely recipe to link up this week as well, as soon as I manage to post it. . . Hope you have a great long weekend.

Thanks for highlighting my bbq ribs recipe this week! Since I seem to like pork and bbq, I’m linking up my pulled pork recipe this week.

I noticed the applesauce cake in a jar too. The dairy and egg would be easy to replace, but I wonder about the gluten. I may have to take on this challenge as well. Let us know if you get to it first :)

Hi! Thanks for hosting! Thank you for featuring my applesauce cakes. The allergies that we are dealing with here are milk, peanut, tree nut, peaches and plum. I put pecans in the cakes because they were gifts and not going to be eaten here. I do not know how you make them G free since that is not our issue. If someone can figure it out, let me know. I have a friend with three G free daughters. I think they would love a G free version of this.

There is no dairy in the applesauce cake. Just leave out the nuts, and they would be tree nut and peanut free. Use spectrum shortening, and that should make them soy free.

I just submitted my Pumpkin Spice Muffins to this week’s Allergy Friendly Friday list. They’re naturally gluten free (if you use contanimant free oat bran), free of refined sugars, oil free, and, as always, free of eggs and diary because all of my recipes are vegan :-) Enjoy!

Thanks for hosting a lovely event!! I just submitted my Layered Salad for a gluten free, vegetarian meal.

Was browsing around today and came across your site. Looks like I’ll be spending some more time in the kitchen :) Posted my Grape Cake recipe. Enjoy!

Hi Cybele, Lots of baking going on this week! I’m intrigued by those lentil cookies. I might have to try those on my kids. I’m sharing one of our favorite camping recipes. We try to squeeze in as many camping trips as possible in Sept and Oct before the snow starts falling. Thanks for hosting!


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