Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine
Allergy Friendly Friday 7/15/11 and Wellfleet with a Shellfish Allergy
Allergy Friendly Friday
Greetings from Wellfleet! I’m back home on Cape Cod, in the town where I grew up. This is my son Lennon, fishing off the pier. He’s stirring up trouble wearing a Yankee’s hat in hardcore Red Sox territory. He was born in NYC, so maybe he has a bit of an excuse.
FYI, we fish off this pier, but we never catch anything. It’s all about the atmosphere, and practicing their casting. Here’s my other son, Monte, in a meditative moment.
The irony of 3 shellfish allergies in my immediate family is not lost on me. Wellfleet is the home of world famous shellfish. It is featured in fancy restaurants all around the globe. People always ask me how we can stand being here without eating the shellfish. Well, we order the chicken, are very careful about our fish choices, carry the epi pens diligently, and grill burgers instead. But I will admit that I sometimes feel a sadness that I can’t eat all the lovely fresh fish and shellfish here, and that my kids won’t experience a clambake. I am usually the voice of optimism about living well with food allergies, and while I am never sad that Lennon and I will never eat another walnut, and couldn’t care less that Nutella is OUT, I do wish I could eat salmon and shrimp again. What food do you feel a sense of loss over? I’m curious, what you’re missing, for you or your child? Does anything replace it? For example, I still get a huge thrill out of seeing the shellfish fishermen coming in with their trawlers at the end of the day. It gives me the Wellfleet experience, in another sort of way.
Sorry for the delay on Allergy Friendly Friday this week. I’m on summer time, and Friday is creeping towards Saturday! A few select highlights from last week’s Allergy Friendly Friday were:
PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe! WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE! Please add your links for this week. Please link back to this post so you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.
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We just got back from the the north shore area. (We were there for the 4th and spent lots of time with my college friends and my husband’s family.) I hope you have a lovely time in MA! The Cape is so pretty this time of year.
I don’t miss much, just two things–really good fresh-from-the-oven homemade baguettes, and flaky croissants. Other than that I’m perfectly okay not even looking at wheat ever again. (I’ve gotten to the point where I’m totally turned off by walking into a bakery section… It’s almost like I get sick just LOOKING at the baked goods.)
This week I’m sharing a basic.. Now that we’re home I’m super happy to have my kitchen back–and breakfasts consisting of unprocessed foods. Just slow-cooker oatmeal.
I linked my Sundried Tomato, Onion and Garlic Bread Rolls which are suitable for followers of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and are gluten-free. However, they contain nuts so they are not suitable for people with nut allergies. Thanks for linking, I really enjoyed reading the post. To answer your question, I think that rather than focusing on what you can’t eat it’s better to focus on all the lovely foods you can eat. Have a great weekend!
Somedays I really miss nuts. When I’m studying hard and just want something I can snack on quickly that is high in protein and stores well. I just get this craving for a handful of nuts and there’s really nothing that replaces it.
Also and I know it sounds silly, but I really miss super processed white bread (think wonderbread). When I was younger, before my allergies became life threatening, I’d sneak some every once in awhile. It’s horrible for you, but sometimes, I just miss it.
Thanks so much for hosting! I always enjoy checking out the recipes and ideas. This week, I shared my almond flour biscuits and no-bake peach crisp – love summer peaches! Have a blessed weekend! Kelly
Your kids are so adorable–and they both look like they’re having so much fun! Thanks for highlighting the brussels sprouts/favas from last week! I’m linking a chickpea “quiche” this week–super simple and free of, well, almost everything! Enjoy your vacation!
Hi there! Your blog was recommended to me by another blogger – I am allergic to all kinds of things. The one thing that I find the hardest to do without taste wise – is cinnamon. The most difficult all around – allspice. it’s in everything! Catsup, Worcestershire Sauce, meat marinades…. I can live without the seafood & shellfish. Even vegan worcestershire sauce has allspice. GREAT blog!
I used to eat shrimp cocktail ALL THE TIME! I loved it Lobster wasn’t eaten as often unless it was the time my family and I went on a cruise or to a family wedding it’s fine because I don’t really like lobster as much as shrimp but I did like it alot.
Anyway, I guess it was a couple years ago like recently MAYBE 2 years ago I was at a chiness buffet with my brother for lunch and I had some dimsum(sp?) and my throat suddenly started to burn my skin got irritated and I felt like my throat was actually closeing up..
But anyway.. yeah that’s what I miss, shrimp cocktail
PS You’re not missing much, NUTELLA is Disgusting
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