Harvest Crops Across the U.S.
Harvest Crops Across the U.S.
Fall is the season of plenty. Planted in spring and nurtured all summer long, a colorful bounty of crops pours into farmers markets across the country, making it easier than ever to eat a wide variety of local, seasonal ingredients. Having grown up in the Northeast, I associated fall with apples, pears, and maple syrup. Several years ago, however, I moved to the West Coast, and discovered a whole new fall harvest–from persimmons, to dates, to quince.
That got me to thinking. What other crops are being treasured all over the continental U.S.? What are people in Atlanta, New Mexico, Ohio and New York looking forward to eating?
The following are comprehensive lists of fall crops across the US, highlighting regional stars–from apricots, to wild mushrooms, to wild rice. One of the easiest ways to eat allergen-free is by cooking from scratch, and cooking from scratch is never as easy as it is when you have an abundance of local seasonal produce to source. The possibilities are practically endless. Use these harvest shopping lists (as they suit your specific dietary needs), so that no matter what part of the county you live in, you can be sure to base your menu on what’s in season. Happy harvest!
Find your region below:
Fall Harvest: apples, beets, collard greens, daikon, dates, edamame, green chilies, gourds, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, melons, peas, persimmons, pistachios, pumpkins, radishes, shallots, soybeans, turnips, winter, squash.
Still in Season: arugula, carrots, Chinese greens, garlic, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, onions, raspberries, salad greens, spinach, Swiss chard, tomatoes, wheat.
Fall Harvest:apples, arugula, asian pears, beets, blackberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, Chinese greens, collard greens, gourds, grapes, kale, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, peas, pumpkins, radishes, raspberries, spinach, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, turnips.
Still in Season: cucumber, eggplant, green beans, hot peppers, okra, salad greens, summer squash, sweet peppers, tomatoes, winter squash, zucchini.
Fall Harvest: apples, broccoli, brussels sprouts, corn, gourds, onions, parsnips, pears, pumpkins, radishes, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, turnips, wild rice, winter squash.
Still in Season: barley, beets, blackberries, buckwheat, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, green beans, green onions, hot peppers, leeks, lettuce, melons, mustard greens, peas, potatoes, soybeans, spinach, sweet corn, sweet peppers, tomatillos, tomatoes, raspberries, summer squash, walnuts, watermelon, wheat, zucchini.
Fall Harvest: apples, apricots, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cranberries, gourds, hot peppers, kale, leeks, maple syrup, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, raspberries, sweet potatoes, turnips, winter squash.
Still in Season: arugula, beans, beets, blackberries, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, Chinese greens, collard greens, corn, eggplant, endive, escarole, grapes, green onions, lettuce, melons, onions, plums, sunchokes, sweet peppers, Swiss chard, tomatoes, watermelons.
Fall Harvest: apples, asian pears, brussels sprouts, burdock figs, grapes, kiwis, leeks, mushrooms, pears, pumpkins, rice, sunchokes, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, turnip, greens, walnuts, winter squash.
Still in Season: beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collard greens, corn, cucumber, garlic, hazelnuts, hot peppers, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, okra, onions, potatoes, radishes salad, greens, soybeans, summer squash, tomatillos, strawberries, zucchini.
Fall Harvest: apricots, almonds, cranberries, gourds, grapes, grapefruit, limes, persimmons, pumpkins, quince, winter, squash, chestnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts.
Still in Season: apples, asian pears, avocados, blackberries, boysenberries, carrots, celery, Chinese greens, dates, eggplant, garlic, green onions, kale, leeks, lemons,lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, olives, radishes, salad greens, spinach,strawberries, sweet peppers, swiss chard, summer, squash, tomatillos, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini.