Allergy Friendly Saturday 4/14/11 (better late than never)
I am writing to you from the friendly skies! I love GOGO so much! It has literally saved my tush on multiple occasions to be able to get online while 35,000 feet up in the air. And it’s certainly helpful to be able to update this blog, which is now a day late!
So sorry for the delay in Allergy-Friendly Friday. But I have a good excuse. I was at the Nourished Food Blogger Conference, in Chicago, meeting up to discuss this genre, with many of you! So great to spend time with Tess from Healthy Blender Recipes, and Ricki Heller from Diet, Dessert and Dogs, and Peter and Kelli Bronski from No Gluten, No Problem, and Silvana Nardone from Silvana’s Kitchen, and Amy Green from Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free, and Amy Valpone from The Healthy Apple, and Mary Fran from Franny Cakes, and Laura B. Russell, author of The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen, and Jen Cafferty of Gluten-Free Life with Jen, and Heather from Gluten-Free Cat, and Kim Lutz from Welcoming Kitchen , and Colette Martin from Learning to Eat Allergy-Free , and Rachelle from Blinded by the Bite, on and on and on, with so many wonderful food bloggers and cookbook authors, I can’t even begin to count my blessings! A truly inspiring 48 hours! (more…)
Allergy Friendly Friday 3/23/12
I really enjoyed the St. Patrick’s Day-themed recipes over the past couple of weeks. Thanks for sharing. I want to mention a few upcoming events. First, I’ll be at Nourished, a food blogger conference, as Key Note Speaker on April 13th. Please come join us.
I will be at the GF Expo April 14th signing books (and hopefully giving out samples of my new cookies!)
Then, on June 9th, I’ll be at the FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) Conference in Anaheim, CA, teaching an allergy-friendly cooking seminar. Please sign up for that if you are in the area (and even if you’re not!)