The Examiner Los Angeles
The Examiner, Los Angeles
LA Successful Women Entrepreneurs: Cybele Pascal “Cybele Pascal: Delicious Allergen-free Cooking!”
US News and World Report
U.S. News and World Report
The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook: Have Your Baked Goods, and Eat Them Too.“Cybele Pascal says simple food swaps mean you can satisfy your sweet tooth.”
Children’s Hospital Boston
Clinical Nutrition Service, Children’s Hospital Boston
“Children and adults living with food allergies should not be deprived of homemade treats, so I am eager to recommend The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook to my clients. The recipes have the extra advantage of using nutrient-dense, minimally processed ingredients such as whole grains, seeds, and fruits. Finally, all of your favorite treats and allergen-free and gluten-free recipes are in one book!”
–Wendy Elverson, RD, LDN, pediatric nutritionist in Clinical Nutrition Service at Children’s Hospital Boston and consultant with the Child Development Network