Circle of Moms Top 25 Food Allergy Blogs


After a whirlwind trip to New York City to visit my husband who is working there for the next six months (where it SNOWED, granting my children their greatest wish! See view from our window yesterday!)

And a quick detour to Iowa (view from my car window, day before yesterday)

I am back in Los Angeles to reclaim my normal life.

While I was away, I got a sweet email telling me that this blog had been nominated for the Circle of Moms Top 25 Food Allergy Blogs.  I’m a little hesitant about asking you all to vote for me, because I feel that so many of the other bloggers nominated are my friends and colleagues and I really hate to compete in such a familial way. On the other hand, one of you readers nominated me, and for that I am truly grateful and feel humbled. So if you like this blog, and feel it is helpful or entertaining or in any way impacting you, go vote for it at:

Just click on the badge to get to the site. You can vote for it every day up until November 16th. And I am supposing that with 25 slots to fill, there is room for most of us anyway. Best of luck to my food allergy blogger buddies!
