Valentine’s Day and Anaphylaxis plus Allergy Free Linzer Hearts Recipe


AFBH_linzer_hearts_(image_p_52)Last week, I attended a very special event in New York City, hosted by Mylan, makers of the EpiPen, which has just marked its 25 year anniversary.  Over the past 25 years, food allergies have become epidemic, now effecting 1 out of 13 children in the United States. Two of those kids are mine. So, I have a vested interest in learning all there is to know about advances in research, and new recommendations in the management and care of food allergies. (more…)

Allergy Friendly Friday Hanukkah, Christmas, and Quanza 2011


Allergy Friendly Friday


Bring on the winter holidays!  My favorite.  And I’ll tell you why: the lights and the candles rock my world. When I was growing up, I used to just lie under the Christmas tree gazing up at the colored lights. We lived in the middle of the woods, and would go out, choose a tree, chop it down, and drag it home on a sled. No, I’m not Laura Ingalls Wilder. But we did have a Little House on the Prairie type childhood in many ways.  The trees we brought home weren’t “pretty” trees like the ones I buy today at the Christmas Tree lot, they were always irregular, and had a lot of space between the limbs, but that meant we could load them up with lots and lots of lights and decorations, and also, the cat could easily climb the tree, which resulted in a lot of broken glass ornaments. One year my cat ate the tinsel too, but I digress. I’ve always had a fondness for scrawny imperfect trees. I want to hug them. TMI?   Another fond memory about the lights: there were spaces between the boards in the walls of our house (which I will go into another time when there is more room to explain the weird house/barn I grew up in), so another thing I loved to do was lie in my parents bed and look at the beams of colored light that were streaming through the cracks in the walls. It was magical.  You could literally see the colored light beams shooting through the cracks and flying through the air.

And of course, the winter holidays are also about food.  Particularly baked goods, in my opinion.  I even like fruit cake. Yup, there, I said it.    What are your favorite Hanukkah, Christmas, and/or Quanza recipes?  Or memories?  Please share your December Holiday recipes below.  This linky event will go for TWO WEEKS. So post up to DECEMBER 23rd. Nogs, punch, cookies, cakes, soups, stuffings, casseroles, whatever you got, share it here. Even if it’s a Christmas Goose. Or I should say, particularly if it’s a Christmas Goose. We want to know what you’ll be cooking for your Allergy Friendly Hanukkah, Christmas, or Quanza.  (apparently Coconut Cream Cake is a Quanza dessert. I want that NOW!)

Some fabulous allergy-free and gluten-free highlights from the last week’s are:

Please add your allery-free and gluten-free Christmas, Hanukkah, and Quanza recipe links to Allergy-Friendly Friday. PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe. That means link WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE. When you link back to this post,  you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. Am I repeating myself? 🙂 And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.


  • Please add only ONE post per blog.
  • Please LINK back to this post so that your readers can find ALL the recipes linked to here. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your individual recipe post, NOT your homepage.
  • Recipes DO NOT have to be completely allergen-free, just ALLERGY-FRIENDLY in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add  old fashioned gingersnaps (cybele

Allergy Free Sweet Potato Pie



Allergy-Friendly Sweet Potato Pie (gluten-free, and vegan too!)


This modern spin on an old-fashioned southern favorite is the perfect end to your allergen-free Thanksgiving meal. It’s delicious, “creamy”, and lovely to look at. I use a spring form pan to make for the prettiest presentation, but you can also use a traditional 9-inch pie dish. (more…)