Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook nabs #1 spot on Best of “The Martha Stewart Show” Bookshelf!


Best of “The Martha Stewart Show”

Check out the amazing honor my Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook received this week! See excerpt below:


“The Martha Stewart Show” Bookshelf

Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook

As an avid reader and cook, Martha often invites influential authors and chefs to appear on “The Martha Stewart Show.” Here are some of their must-read books, along with a few by Martha herself.

Cybele Pascal’s “Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook” is packed with sweet and savory recipes that leave out ingredients responsible for most allergies. Cybele is an expert on allergen-free ingredient substitutions, and she blogs about allergy-friendly cooking for Whole Living Daily.

Buy the Book: “Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook”

Read more at Must-Have Product Picks from “The Martha Stewart Show”