Allergy Friendly Friday 9/16/11
Allergy Friendly Friday
I’m excited to have a lot of fun events coming up. Please see here for the fall schedule, and please come join me at any or all of them. I’m also about to embark on a familiar journey: Single Parenting. My husband leaves Los Angeles next week for SIX MONTHS. He’s going to New York for work (he’s an actor), and I’m staying here, with my kids, so as not to pull them out of school and disrupt their life too much. I’ve been down this road before. After the birth of my second son, Monte, I single parented for 7 months. (that sucked with a toddler and a baby!) A couple of years ago, I was a single parent for over a year. There have been other stints, 3 months here, 3 months there… We always get through it, and I find myself falling into a whole new rhythm of family life. But it’s not easy. I have so much respect for all the single parents out there. Single parents, unite! (more…)