Allergy Friendly Day after Thanksgiving


Who’s got leftovers? I do, I do, even though I didn’t host this year.  I’ve got leftover turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, mac n’ cheese, cranberry sauce… What am I going to make with all this? Well, there’s the obvious rewarming and stuffing our mouths again. Or perhaps I’ll get a little more creative.  What will you be making with your leftovers this year?  Check out my Allergy-Friendly Gluten-Free Turkey Pot Pie for one idea.  And please, please let us know what you’ll be making. We need inspiration after all that hard work over the past few days!

Thank you for contributing to the last two week’s Allergy-Friendly Thanksgiving roundup! Here are the recipe highlights from the last two weeks. And remember, they are being featured on my Allergy-Friendly Friday Highlights Pinterest board too, so check them out there, along with other featured allergy-friendly recipes from weeks past. If you have been featured, I encourage you to grab the Allergy Friendly Friday badge from my right sidebar and share it on your blog, so others know you’ve got a featured recipe on Allergy-Friendly Friday.

Please add your allergy-free and/or gluten-free recipe links to Allergy-Friendly Friday. PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe. That means link WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE. When you link back to this post, you can share both your own and everybody else’s.And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours do not have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.

Just remember:

  • Please link back to this post so your readers can find all the recipes. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your recipe, not to your homepage.
  • Recipes do not have to be completely allergen-free, just allergy-friendly in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add Allergy-Friendly Halloween Cupcakes (

8 Responses

  1. Iratxe says:

    OMG!, ¡qué rico plato!.

    Un beso,


  2. Leah says:

    I just have to say that I love your new hair cut! (I’m probably behind in the times and your picture has been that way for weeks, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say you look beautiful!)

  3. Can I jump on the leftovers bandwagon? I made a yummy beef stew with leftover wine 🙂

  4. […] Featured on Gluten Free Fridays, Allergy Friendly (Day After Thanksgiving) Friday […]

  5. […] Featured on Gluten Free Monday; Allergy free Wednesday via Real Food, Allergy Free and The Willing Cook; Gluten Free Friday via; Allergy Friendly (Day After Thanksgiving) Friday […]

  6. Hi Cybele! I was taking a break from the online world for a bit with Thanksgiving holidays and all. Just saw you featured my cupcakes on your AF day after Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for the feature!

    I also like the updates to your site, including the updated pic. 🙂

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    All the best,

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