New Allergy Friendly Cooking iPad and iPhone application hits the market!


cook IT allergy free Review

cook IT allergy free

First, let me begin by saying how happy I am that Kim, who founded “cook IT allergy free” has launched this product. And let me follow by saying, I am a heel! I’ve been promising to review this great new app for almost a month.

It all began when I got excited because I saw somebody tweet about its approaching release.  I then tweeted to twitterland, having no idea who’d hear me, “WHO DID THIS?!” And Kim tweeted back, almost immediately, “I did!”  I was really impressed.   It’s such a challenge writing a cookbook (or even a recipe, sometimes),  I couldn’t imagine what enterprising person would take on such an extensive project. Creating an app, with literally hundreds of Gluten-free recipes, is no small task.  So this mother of a child with Celiac Disease needs, first and foremost, to be thanked for all her time and effort.

Kim also needs to be thanked for taking a marginalized type of food, and mainstreaming it.   Thank goodness for Kim, for advancing gluten-free (allergy-friendly) recipes into the modern age, with the most modern technology available.

Now about that technology.  Part of the reason it took me so long to write about this new app, is I got waylaid by my lack of iPad or iPhone.  Thankfully,  Kim has a firm grasp on current technology, and reminded me that I could use my iPod touch! After a few more false starts (my husband took it w/him out of town, I couldn’t figure out how to download directly onto touch, etc.), we finally got the app off  iTunes, onto my computer, and then onto my iPod.  I swear I was all set to review it then, but my husband once again left town with the iPod, this time to Seattle.  Important thing to note, about this app, steel away your i-pods, pads, and phones, and keep them to yourself! Right now, mine is sitting on the desk, directly in front of me. I am watching it like a hawk.

Now about this app.  It took me a few tries to figure out how to navigate, but that is only because I’m new to this. In fact, all of us are new to navigating recipes in this format, so hang in there, you’ll get the knack of it.  After a few stumbling attempts, I was cranking through the table of contents, and checking out the recipes.    Kim has compiled a very thorough collection, that will take you through the day, from breakfast to dinner, and anything in between.  The recipes are a solid sampling of comfort foods, and healthy fare.  It is an excellent resource for anyone with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance. The recipes can also be tailored, with substitutions, to avoid other allergens, such as dairy, and eggs.   Of particular note, is the apps ability to save your customized recipes to your grocery list and recipe box. I love it when a recipe includes a shopping list!  Here, you can create one, for every single recipe, without writing down a single word. The app compiles it for you, and you just whip it out and let your fingers do the walking at the grocery store.  I also love that ones’ customized grocery list is organized by aisle.  I’m a sucker for order, and this app has it!  Check it out, it won’t disappoint. For more info, please visit cookITallergyfree.  And out of curiosity, have you used a recipe app before?  This was my first.  And a fun way to begin.  Thanks, Kim!

Back from Chicago


Dear Readers:

I’m back from Chicago, where I had such a great time!  Below is the video from ABC 7 Chicago of me making my Gluten-Free, Allergen-Free Brownies.  Chicago is such a fantastic city, a foodie hub, and also a real hotbed for those making  a difference in the Food Allergy and Gluten-Free community.

First I did a demo of “Allergy Friendly” Brownies and Blondies on ABC 7 (where I shared the stage with a band called “Honor Society”, who I guess are a huge band… but I live  in Mommyville, so I’d never heard of them, even though they live like 2 miles away from me!)

Then, I rushed back to my hotel to  have lunch with Kelly Rudnicki, The Food Allergy Mama who was the nicest person in the world.  First of all, she and I have so much in common, it’s eerie… between our son’s food allergies, to our writing backgrounds, to our love of long distance running.  It was great to meet her, but it also brought about the first of what I guess I’d call my  “vulnerability incidents”.  What do I mean by that? Well, usually, I’m very stoic about all that we’ve been through in my family with food allergies. I’m a cheerleader for “living well”, not “living without”.   But the reality is, my son Lennon has been through some very hard times, and still continues to have hard times periodically. So meeting such a nice, kind, food allergy mom took my guard down.  I realized, as I welled up with tears talking to Kelly about the fact that my son is showing signs of a new food allergy, there is a lot of emotion that goes along with this job.  So thanks to Kelly for being supportive and for doing such great work to help kids like ours!   Also, look for Kelly’s new revised Vegan “Food Allergy Mama’s Baking Book” in stores near you soon.

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of going on Mr. Fix-It, with Lou Manfredini, who squeezed in an interview with me between discussing toilets and roofiing. Love this man, he’s my new “Car Talk”.  Then went on to spend the weekend at the Gluten-Free Cooking Expo, where I met more great Food Allergy people.  (I’m telling you, Chicago is Food Allergy Central).  Jen Cafferty  of Gluten Free Life with Jen organized a hugely successful event with lots of great cooking demos, and amazing GF vendors at the Vendor Fair.  Jen is an inspirational ball of energy, and a name I expect we’ll be hearing a lot more about around the country, as she spreads awareness about gluten-free life. She did a cooking demo from Elana’s Pantry,  and I did my Double Choco Chunk Cookies (featuring Enjoy Life).  I sold out of my books the first day (thank God, I was dreading lugging them back to Los Angeles!) so had a chance to walk around and see the other vendors.  Can I just wax poetic about Udi’s for one second? Without fail, the best gf bread on the market.   Hands down.

While selling The Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook at the book table, I got a chance to hang with the Welcoming Kitchen ladies, two more great moms and cookbook authors. Megan Hart and Kim Lutz are the duo behind the Welcoming Kitchen blog and are about to publish their third cookbook, next spring — all GF, and Allergen-Free, so look for that one in 2011, it will be great!  We had a good time hawking our wares as the public poured in, and I had a great time talking to them about our shared experience in this field, and also as parents.  Again, talking to Kim, mother to a child with multiple food allergies, I welled up discussing my sons’ allergies, and started to feel both a bit embarrassed, but also a little surprised.  What, after all, was happening to me?  Is a food allergy something to shed tears over? Usually, I’d smile and say, “absolutely not!”, and “just think of all the wonderful alternatives you can still eat”… which is absolutely true. The food we eat is not what makes me feel sad. I love what we eat, and feel lucky.  But that doesn’t take away the fact that when you or your child has food allergies, it makes you feel vulnerable, and sometimes, very sick.  So I think what I got most out of my trip to Chicago, was a great sense of community and the realization that I need to fess up to my own sadness about this once in awhile.  I need to shed that tear, and then go back to laughing heartily over some really good allergy friendly cookies.  Speaking of which… has anyone tried the mini chocolate chip cookies from Pamela’s Products? (note:contain eggs and soy) To-die-for addictive.  Uber Uber Yum.



Hey, thanks for all the great FOOD ALLERGY RECIPE CHALLENGE REQUESTS!  What a great way to return from vacation. I am totally excited to get going on them.  And as you can see from the following photo, I AM BACK IN MY KITCHEN!

Yesterday, I baked Chocolate Layer Cake (p.106), with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting (p.91) to test out the recipe as sheet cake for Douglas, (a reader who doesn’t like layer cake). Yes, you can. Use a 9″x13″ pan.

Made Amaranth Date Bread (p.47) for Adam (husband making request).

Made a vat of “The Lady from Naples Red Sauce” from first book (p.69) in prep for the GF Allergen-Free pizza I’m going to make this week with my GF Pizza Crust  (p.169) and the Daiya dairy-free (soy-free and nut-free) cheese I purchased from Whole Foods yesterday during the EARTHQUAKE  (thought shelves were going to fall on me, though there are worse places to be buried than Whole Foods).

Then made homemade gf breadcrumbs and the Turkey Meatballs from first book (p.77), subbing Bison by request from kids.

Finally, it was time to make dinner. So I boiled up the “New” De Boles Gluten-Free Multi Grain Spaghetti bought during said Earthquake at Whole Foods.

I WAS excited about this. “Was” being the operative word.

What the heck is that?! They have the nerve to call that Spaghetti?  How DARE they!  Into the trash it went, and out came my trusty Tinkyada.  I thought when De Boles said “new” that might have meant “improved”, but sadly, it’s still the same old mushy glop.  I hate to be harsh, but when Tinkyada does it so well, why do they have to do it so poorly?

Anyway, today, back to those caramel cupcakes I promised (a food allergy recipe challenge request made last month), which I’ll be starting my WHOLELIVING.COM posting with.  Can I go back on vacation now? 🙂 Just kidding…. I’m only getting started.