Allergy Friendly Friday 12/2/11


Allergy Friendly Friday


My Mother-in-Law died this week, after a 14 year battle against breast cancer. She was the strongest woman I have ever known, and one of most wonderful. She loved Fridays, and would be the first to say, “Thank God it’s Friday!” and pour out a round of vodka cranberries.  She also loved wine, and worked for many years as a wine importer, until the chemo killed her taste for it.  As I mentioned on my facebook page, my Mother-in-Law, Wendy also had a passion for time-saver gadgets, and was always showering me with them as gifts. She watched QVC for relaxation, and was the first one onto the Vidalia Chop Wizard craze, any kind of slice it and dice it tool, and don’t even get me started on the Snuggies!   So, as mentioned, I’m dedicating my next cookbook, “Allergy-Free and Easy Cooking” to my darling Mother-in-Law, Wendy, because without her and her time-saver gadgets, it never would have been possible.

This week, if you have quick and easy recipes, please link to them. Or, feel free to start posting for the next round of holidays. Doesn’t it seem that there’s a new one round every corner?  And speaking of, thank you for the lovely Thanksgiving themed recipe links!   Some fabulous highlights from the past two weeks are:

Please add your links to Allergy-Friendly Friday. PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe. That means link WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE. When you link back to this post,  you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. Am I repeating myself? 🙂 And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.


  • Please add only ONE post per blog.
  • Please LINK back to this post so that your readers can find ALL the recipes linked to here. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your individual recipe post, NOT your homepage.
  • Recipes DO NOT have to be completely allergen-free, just ALLERGY-FRIENDLY in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add  old fashioned gingersnaps (cybele