Allergy Friendly Friday 11/2/12



I feel a little funny celebrating anything, much less a Friday, given the tragedy of Sandy on the East Coast. Many of my friends and family are displaced right now, without water or power. I am intensely frustrated by my inability to help. If anyone knows of ways for us to help the East Coasters from other parts of the country, please let me know. So many are still trapped, running out of gas, food, the list goes on. The only good I can see coming of this, is that perhaps NYC will become a bicycle city like Amsterdam and others.

We did go out and celebrate Halloween here in LA with a vengeance, however. People in LA love this holiday, perhaps more than all others, because it allows for so much fantasy. Set dressing, costumes, makeup! It really is a movie town’s dream come true.

Thank you for contributing to last week’s Allergy-Friendly Halloween roundup! Here are the choice Halloween recipe highlights from the last Allergy Friendly Friday. And remember, they are being featured on my Allergy-Friendly Friday Highlights Pinterest board too, so check them out there, along with other featured allergy-friendly recipes from weeks past.

I just have to share a glimpse of this spider cake, so you can see how cute it really is!
