Allergy Friendly Summer and the Super Moon!



Happy Summer!  Who saw the Super Moon?! It is amazing! Apparently, it’s the closest the moon has been to earth in many years.  We watched it rise last night, and tonight it will be at its peak!

While last week’s Allergy-Friendly Father’s Day had few links, those that were posted were unusual and extraordinary! Of particular note were:

Remember, the featured  recipes are also being featured on my Allergy-Friendly Friday Highlights Pinterest board, so check them out there, along with other featured allergy-friendly recipes from weeks past. If you have been featured, I encourage you to grab the Allergy Friendly Friday Badge from my right sidebar and share it on your blog, so others know you’ve got a featured recipe on Allergy-Friendly Friday.Please add your allergy-free and/or gluten-free recipe links to Allergy-Friendly Friday. PLEASE remember you have to link back from your post, for me to feature your recipe. That means link WITH A HYPERLINK THAT LINKS BACK HERE. When you link back to this post, you can share both your own and everybody else’s.And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours do not have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.

Just remember:

  • Please link back to this post so your readers can find all the recipes. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your recipe, not to your homepage.
  • Recipes do not have to be completely allergen-free, just allergy-friendly in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add Allergy-Friendly Halloween Cupcakes ( (more…)

Allergy Friendly Friday 10/12/12



Dear Readers:

Thanks for your patience while I have been rebuilding my site since the hack. This is my first Allergy-Friendly Friday back. Because I got hacked in the midst of my last Allergy-Friendly Friday, many of you didn’t get to add links. So sorry! Those who did, I thank you! And I’ve decided to feature ALL your recipes as the TOP PICKS!

Just to remind everyone, I’m doing a new thing with my top weekly picks from Allergy Friendly Friday. I’m sharing my weekly picks on Pinterest too. See here, where I’ve featured this week’s top picks on my new ALLERGY FRIENDLY FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS pin board.

Here are the choice recipe highlights from the last Allergy Friendly Friday:

Allergy Friendly Friday 4/8/11


First, the updates. Last weekend, I taught an allergy-free baking class at the FAAN conference in Baltimore, and was thrilled to see a packed house, and so many enthusiastic new allergen-free cooks. The Q & A was fantastic, and I had a blast demoing the alchemy of baking without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, tree nuts and peanuts.

For those of you in the Chicago area, I encourage you to come take my class “Comfort Foods to Warm Your Soul” where I’ll teach you how to make an allergen-free cream sauce, homemade Mac n’ Cheese, and Red Velvet Cake, all top 8-Free and Gluten-Free.  My class is on Saturday, April 30th, from 3-4, at the Gluten & Allergen-Free Expo. I will also be signing copies of my Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook both Saturday and Sunday at the Vendor Fair, for the slamming  price of only $15! This is $10 dollars LESS than in stores, and even cheaper than Amazon, because you don’t have to pay shipping.
