"Eat Freely with Cybele" a new allergy-friendly cooking show!
Dear Friends:
I’m very happy to announce my new partnership with Enjoy Life! We’ve teamed up to bring you a new monthly cooking show, called “Eat Freely with Cybele“. This internet based show is especially for people with food allergies and intolerances. Every single recipe is free of the top 8 allergens responsible for 90% of food allergies, and is also gluten-free, and sesame-free! Now, that’s my kind of cooking.
Please check out our first video, for Allergy-Friendly Pancakes. And join us on facebook too! Let me know what you think of this recipe, and what you’d like to see more of. Looking forward to helping you eat freely!
Happy fall!
Leprechauns, Sunbutter Greenies, and Authentic Foods Gluten Free Classical Blend
It’s Saint Patty’s day, and I’m part Irish, so I broke out the holiday spirit! My boys believe in Leprechauns, and I believe in cookies, so I baked the Leprechauns some Sunbutter Greenies. (You know if a Leprechaun has been in your house if your house is messy, by the way. My son Monte informed me that we’d clearly had a visit). These cookies are from my new cookbook and are a really fun treat. They’re a chocolate chip cookie (Enjoy Life Chips, of course!) made with maple syrup and sunbutter, and the combo has a magical chemical reaction, creating a green center in the cookie. Don’t believe me? Look below. (the Leprechaun ate the other half…)
But the best part of today was unpacking my new package of goodies from Authentic Foods. The news I am about to share is truly the most exciting discovery I have made all year. Authentic Foods is now selling a product called GLUTEN FREE CLASSICAL BLEND. This product is THE EXACT SAME THING AS MY BASIC GLUTEN-FREE FLOUR MIX. This is the mixture I use in the vast majority of my recipes. So now, you don’t have to make it up yourself. No more buying three flours. Just buy one product, pre-mixed from Authentic Foods, and save yourself the hassle. It’s a combo of their superfine brown rice flour (which as many already know, I’m sort of in love with), potato starch, and tapioca starch. The proportions are all the same as my mix, so use it one-for-one, cup-for-cup. These Sunbutter Greenies were baked today with this fabulous new product, and you can bet your booties, I’m totally sold. Thank you, Authentic Foods, and most importantly, hats off to Annalise Roberts (author of the incredible Gluten Free Baking Classics) and the late Bette Hagman, for trailblazing this flour combo in the first place!
If you want this product in your local Whole Foods, or Wegmans, or local health food store, ask them to stock it. My local Whole Foods doesn’t yet, and I’m going down there tomorrow to shake my cookies at them. Here’s the link for more info GF CLASSICAL BLEND
I’ll be testing out lots of other new products in the weeks to come, so please check back soon for new reviews, musings, and some brand new “FREE-TO-EAT SWEETS” that I’m about to launch.
Happy Saint Patty’s Day!