Allergy Free Recipes for the Chinese New Year on ABC7 LA


This week, I had the pleasure of a visit from Lori Corbin – The Food Coach from ABC7 here in LA. I’ve been hoping The Food Coach would pay me a visit since my last book, so was really thrilled when I got the call that Lori was coming over to check out my new Allergy-Friendly Asian recipes for Chinese New Year, from my new book Allergy-Free and Easy Cooking. For more about the interview, and the recipes featured in this video, plus tips on how to celebrate an allergy-free Chinese New Year, please see the article here.
To purchase, or find out more, Allergy-Free and Easy Cooking

Allergy Friendly Thanksgiving



BIG WEEK, here in the USA.  Big.  I’m so proud of all those who got out the vote. The people who stood in line in NYC for 3 hours, waiting endlessly, because 3 out of 4 polling machines were broken. The people who drove others to vote on LI and in NJ because people have no gas after Sandy. I’m just so proud of our country. No matter what your politics, this has been an inspirational week, a week full of tremendous humanity.  Between the relief efforts on the East Coast, to watching our democracy work against all odds, I’m feeling very thankful.

And speaking of thankful, I’d like to start an Allergy-Friendly Friday Linky Party devoted to Thanksgiving Recipes. What will you be bringing to our virtual thanksgiving table?  Share your links below. And feel free to share more than one link…. this is a two week party, and we need lots of food!!!!!  THIS LINKY EVENT WILL RUN from today 11/9 to Friday 11/23.  I can’t wait to see what everyone is making!


Thank you for contributing to last week’s Allergy-Friendly Friday roundup! Here are the recipe highlights from the last Allergy Friendly Friday. And remember, they are being featured on my Allergy-Friendly Friday Highlights Pinterest board too, so check them out there, along with other featured allergy-friendly recipes from weeks past.

Allergy Friendly Halloween



Dear Allergy-Friendly Friday Readers:Happy Halloween, bwahaha!!!!! I am sure many of us are busy making safe treats this weekend for our allergic sweeties Halloween parties. What are you making?



For my Allergy-Friendly Halloween Cupcakes, see my recipe over at Living Without here.

Please add your festive Halloween recipe links below.

Here are the choice recipe highlights from the last Allergy Friendly Friday: