Allergy Friendly Friday 4/8/11


First, the updates. Last weekend, I taught an allergy-free baking class at the FAAN conference in Baltimore, and was thrilled to see a packed house, and so many enthusiastic new allergen-free cooks. The Q & A was fantastic, and I had a blast demoing the alchemy of baking without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, tree nuts and peanuts.

For those of you in the Chicago area, I encourage you to come take my class “Comfort Foods to Warm Your Soul” where I’ll teach you how to make an allergen-free cream sauce, homemade Mac n’ Cheese, and Red Velvet Cake, all top 8-Free and Gluten-Free.  My class is on Saturday, April 30th, from 3-4, at the Gluten & Allergen-Free Expo. I will also be signing copies of my Allergen-Free Baker’s Handbook both Saturday and Sunday at the Vendor Fair, for the slamming  price of only $15! This is $10 dollars LESS than in stores, and even cheaper than Amazon, because you don’t have to pay shipping.

I cannot recommend this Cooking and Vendor Expo highly enough. If you ever wanted to learn more about cooking gluten-free and/or allergy-free, this is the place to be. A one day ticket gets you a full days worth of classes with the best  GF/AF experts in the country. Check out this list of presenters! These are truly the rock stars of this industry, all in one place on one weekend.   You also get a pass to the vendor fair, where you’ll find all the best new allergen-free gluten-free products, and you’ll get a free collection of all the recipes being taught by all the superstar cooks over the weekend.

Next, on to Allergy Friendly Friday!  Thanks so much for all the GREAT contributions. We are really helping to raise the profile of Allergy-Free Blogging here.  Please bring on the Passover and Easter recipe links!

And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.

Once again, the recipes from last Friday were all amazing. But I need to ask you again, PLEASE LINK BACK TO THIS POST, FROM YOUR POST, WITH A HYPERLINK. THIS IS A SHARING PAGE, AND I EXPECT YOU TO SHARE THE LINK WITH YOUR READERS SO THAT THEY TOO CAN FIND THE OTHER BLOGGERS RECIPES ON THIS PAGE. IF YOU DON’T LINK BACK, I WILL HAVE TO STOP FEATURING YOUR RECIPES, and that would be sad.  🙁 That being said, a few of the fantabulous highlights were:


  • Please add only ONE post per blog.
  • Please LINK back to this post so that your readers can find ALL the recipes linked to here. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your individual recipe post, NOT your homepage.
  • Recipes DO NOT have to be completely allergen-free, just ALLERGY-FRIENDLY in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add Sopa de Lima(cybele @Cybele Pascal: Allergen-Free Cuisine)

23 Responses

  1. Celia says:

    Oh no! I’m SO sorry I forgot to link back this week. I’ll link to this page for tomorrow’s post. (Also, wow that cauliflower looks good.)

  2. SarahB says:

    I just posted a coconut cake recipe I originally posted last year and am planning on making-over tomorrow to eliminate the guar gum due to my little guy’s new allergy. (Birthday party to attend and I want him to have a safe treat to take along with us.) When I posted the recipe he could have soy but I’ll be using palm shortening this time around.

  3. Tressa R says:

    I have just discovered these sharing events and I am so excited! I love exchanging recipes and discovering new blogs. Thank you Cybele for hosting!

    I just posted one of my favorite recipes, Raw GF Strawberry Lemon “Cheesecake”. I have made it several times and it is always a hit!

  4. […] on the 4/8/11 Allergy Friendly Friday page at Cybele Pascal’s blog, check it out for great ideas and […]

  5. […] at Real Food Wednesday, Life as Mom, Finer Things Friday, Fight Back Friday, Allergy Friendly Friday, and Simple Lives […]

  6. Kim Lutz says:

    I can’t wait to try some of these yummy looking recipes. I added the link to your homepage ( on my post, but I wasn’t able to link directly to this post. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago for the Expo!

  7. Thank you for mentioning my last week’s entry. Look at this delicious food here this week, too! I am amazed at Paula’s “Cadbury” Creme Eggs!

    With spring finally here, I brought some Pan-Grilled Asparagus with Garlic and Parsley to share with you. I hope you’re having a great allergy-friendly Friday!


  8. Hi Cybele- Happy Friday! I am sharing my new recipe for Flourless Chocolate Cake. This recipe is gluten free, nut free and dairy free. It is also healthier because it only has 1/4 cup of sugar in the whole cake.
    One of my readers just commented that it would be great for a Passover dessert.
    Thanks for hosting!

  9. […] Pennywise Platter Thursday at The Nourishing Gourmet, Sweet Tooth Friday at Alli ‘N Son, Allergy Friendly Friday at Cybele Pascal Allergy Friendly […]

  10. […] Please consider visiting this week’s Allergy Friendly Friday post over at Cybele Pascal’s website!  She’s featured my stuffed veggie burgers this […]

  11. Cybele says:

    Hi Celia:

    Thanks, that would be great! I know, doesn’t that cauliflower look amazing? I love that combo of the savory and the sweet in Sicilian dishes.

    all best,


  12. Cybele says:

    HI SarahB:

    Please let us know how that lovely cake goes with the adaptations. I’m always curious to know how it changes when you switch out ingredients. THanks for sharing!


  13. Cybele says:

    Tressa R:

    Welcome! Very excited about your raw cheesecake recipe! Yay!

    all best,


  14. Cybele says:

    Hi Kim:

    Thanks so much for linking. If you click on the header title, it takes you to the url for this post, but either way is fine. Yes, looking forward to seeing you in Chicago. Happy you are teaching that Sunday morning class! I felt it was redundant for me to teach same class twice, and it will be good for people to have a breakfast demo, so thanks!


  15. Cybele says:

    Pat, your recipes was really lovely. Thanks for sharing again this week. Yes, those cream eggs are blowing my mind! Very excited to try them.

  16. […] over to Cybele Pascal’s fab blog for more recipes from Allergy Friendly […]

  17. Bev says:

    This is such a great idea! 🙂 Have just added some Choc Orange Drizzle cupcakes. Do you think you will make a button for us to link back too? Love all the recipes so far especially the cream eggs!! Fab!

  18. erin says:

    Okay, think I followed all the rules this week! Thanks for being so patient 🙂 And thanks for all the yummy recipes!

  19. Cybele says:

    Andrea, that does look perfect for Passover. Thanks for sharing!


  20. Cybele says:

    Bev, that’s a great idea. I’ll try to make up a badge for people. Do you need html code or just a gif file?



  21. Cybele says:


    Looks perfect! Thanks for sharing such a delicious recipe, and LINKING!!!

    all best,


  22. Monika says:

    Cybele: Thanks for mentioning my tea cake! Everything looks so delicious, I don’t know where to start.

    But thanks to your TGIAFF, at least I know where to look. 🙂

  23. SarahB says:

    Cybele, I finally posted an update to the Coconut Cake/Cupcake recipe without the gum. It turned out just fine!

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