Allergy Friendly Friday 5/13/11


Allergy Friendly Friday


Uh oh, it’s Friday the 13th.  What do you have staged for today? I’m going to a Support our Schools rally, because the California Public Education Budget has been so drastically slashed that we’re in crisis.  I hope it goes well, given the looming bad luck date!  Luckily, there is another event on May 24, and Educate our State is hosting a virtual rally, so if you don’t feel like standing around chanting with sandwich boards, you can sign the petition online here.

But enough about the bummers.  Let’s talk about the thing we all come here for on Friday: FOOD!  First, I want to say, thank you to Ricki for her SOS challenge and sharing her carob cookie link. I am so excited that she’s featuring carob. People keep asking me what to do with my recipes if they’re allergic to chocolate. I am kind of a chocolate maniac. So I’ve been thinking a lot about carob, but haven’t ventured into its many facets yet. Thank you Ricki for the inspiration! So this week’s top featured recipes are:

Please add your links for this week. Please link back to this post so you can share both your own and other’s fabulous allergy-friendly recipes. And remember, I specialize in creating gluten-free recipes that are free of the top 8 food allergens, but yours don’t have to be. They just have to be allergy-friendly in SOME way.


  • Please add only ONE post per blog.
  • Please LINK back to this post so that your readers can find ALL the recipes linked to here. This is a sharing page.
  • Link to your individual recipe post, NOT your homepage.
  • Recipes DO NOT have to be completely allergen-free, just ALLERGY-FRIENDLY in some way.
  • When you link, let us know who you are. For example, I might add Allergy Free Energy Bars (cybele


22 Responses

  1. Today I am sharing one of my all-time favorite desserts; Pear Ginger Cake. This is the first time I have successfully made it gluten free. It is just divine!

  2. Jill says:

    I shared my delicious coconut milk yogurt. I hope you enjoy it!

  3. Thanks for mentioning my Chicken Soup! This week I’ve linked some Blackeyed Pea Soup with Veggies (GF, CF). It’s not that I’m always cooking soup, but I do try to come up with soups that will entice my non-GF husband away from his old standby red-and-white label soups. He really likes blackeyed peas, so this one was successful!

  4. […] can find this and other allergy-friendly recipes linked up at TFIAFF (Allergy Friendly Friday). Print Friendly This entry was posted in Allergy Cooking, Recipes. Bookmark the permalink. […]

  5. […] This post is linked to Cybele Pascal’s Allergy Friendly Friday […]

  6. Hello Cybele,

    I am sharing our new found favorite treat – Easy Truffles. I have made them w/ almond butter and sunflower seed butter as well. And now you can try your hand w/ carob by rolling them in it! If you have the right recipes it can really be a nice substitute. I have a great carob cupcake and carob frosting recipe. When I get time I’ll post it and share. The frosting is unusually healthy too :-)!

  7. […] Finer Things Friday, Food Renegade, Biblical Womanhood Friday, Fresh Bites Friday, Food on Friday, Allergy Friendly Friday, and Melt In Your Mouth Monday. tweetmeme_source = 'tweetmeme'; […]

  8. jamie says:

    wow! so many good recipes for us, thank you, Cybale, for hosting this! 🙂 i submitted gluten free vegan donuts-baked not fried!

  9. Ricki says:

    So glad that the carob provided some inspiration! 😀 Although I’d say I’m also a chocolate fiend, I do love carob as well, just as another flavor like vanilla or cinnamon–all good, but not chocolate. 😉 And wow, you’ve already got so many fabulous recipes linked up this week! Now I must get cooking so I can submit something this week as well. 🙂

  10. Cybele says:

    Thanks Tressa! Looks Hecka-good!

  11. Cybele says:

    Jill, I love coconut milk yogurt. How does this taste in comparison to the turtle mountain? richer, or creamier? less sweet? Can’t wait to try it!


  12. Happy Friday Cybele! I am sharing my recipe for Coconut Pineapple Muffins.
    Thanks for hosting!

  13. […] Alli ‘N Son, Muffin Monday at Talking Dollars And Cents, Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum, Allergy Friendly Friday at Cybele Pascal Allergy Friendly […]

  14. Iratxe says:

    God morning Cibele!,

    I am sharing one of our favorite breakfasts, my children love them: Banana pancakes, these are soft, fluffy… mmm… sooo deliciuos!.

    This recipe is egg-free, dairy free, soy-free, peanut-free and tree nut-free. I hope you enjoy it!.

    Have a nice weekend!


  15. […] at Cybele Pascal’s website for Allergy Friendly Friday on 5/13/11. Go check out the other great […]

  16. Celia says:

    Thanks for mentioning my pasta recipe! I’m off to check out the coconut milk yogurt from this week’s list. I’m back off dairy completely (meh, whatev) and need a homemade alternative. 🙂 Have a lovely week!

  17. Everything looks so wonderful!

    Thanks Cybele for featuring Allergy Free Turkey Tacos!


  18. […] Bake for 12 – 15 minutes. For more refined-sugar free treats, check out Sugar-Free Sundays. For more allergy-friendly foods, Check out Allergy-Friendly Friday. […]

  19. […] This recipe is being shared over at Cybele Pascal’s blog. Click on over for lots of other allergen-friendly recipes. This entry was posted in Recipes and tagged Allergen […]

  20. […] – Cybele Pascal’s Allergy Friendly Friday […]

  21. Cybele says:

    wow, you all are really raising the bar here! Awesome recipe links! Kudos to all of you!

  22. […] Find other sweet recipes with stevia at  Raj and Sonia’s Sugar-Free Sundays, healthier recipes at Amy’s Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, raw foods at Raw Food Thursdays, and allergen-free recipes at Cybele’s Allergy-Friendly Fridays. […]

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