Allergy Friendly Friday 10/21/11 and 10/28/11


Allergy Friendly Friday


Check out this squash growing on the fence at my kids’ school!  Our edible schoolyard is really coming into fruition.  I love our “From the Ground Up!” program, and every year, I volunteer as the Garden Room Parent for both my kids’ classes.  It’s so exciting to see the kids weeding the beds, and digging in the dirt. Next month we’re putting in a worm farm. That should really get them enthused, don’t you think? (more…)

Allergy Friendly Friday 9/9/11


Allergy Friendly Friday


I don’t know exactly what to post today.  It’s the Friday before the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, a day that will forever be ingrained in our cultural consciousness.  I remember it vividly, being very pregnant with my first child, Lennon, being in NY, watching it on TV in horror, wanting to protect my unborn child.  After watching the towers fall, I went upstairs and methodically cleaned out my office, going through the filing cabinets and boxes, getting rid of everything that was no longer necessary or needed, trying desperately to create some sense of order in a disordered world. I cleared out all my things to prepare the office for its transition to a nursery.  My son is a 9/11 baby, he came into the world when it was in a state of chaos, and I know that it’s informed my intense need to protect him. Both my sons, in fact. (more…)

Allergy Friendly Friday 5/20/11


Allergy Friendly Friday


I am thrilled to see how many people are linking up their allergy-friendly recipes on Allergy Friendly Friday!  I knew you were all out there, and I am so happy that we are building a real community of Allergy Free food bloggers here. Keep ’em coming!

With strawberry season in full blast, blueberry season beginning, and asparagus, and artichokes in full bloom, I think we should focus on Seasonal Farmers Market recipes this week.  Please link up your seasonal Allergy Free Farmers Market recipes or your Gluten Free Farmers Market recipes this week.  I too am focusing on fresh produce this month.  (Allergy-Free Hollandaise Sauce with Fresh Asparagus will be up on my  Food Allergy Recipe Challenge blog at Whole Living Daily on Tuesday, and see link below for my seasonal Allergy Free Strawberry Cupcakes).

Last week featured a whole lot of new bloggers!  Yay!  I noticed AFTER posting my last post about Sunflower Milk, (which will be followed next week by Sunflower Yogurt), that another blogger posted her lovely recipe for dairy-free yogurt on last week’s Allergy Friendly Friday.  So at the top of the list of featured recipes this week is:
